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Lesson Plans
Whether you're a school-at-home type or a devout unschooler, the lesson plans, unit studies,
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[Lesson Plans]
| | Lesson plans and worksheetsby Learning Page Ages: 4 - 18Learning Page provides a huge collection of professionally produced instructional materials you can download and print. Lesson plans, books, worksheets, and much more can be found here. Sign up to get all this and more for free! Free subscription service.Subjects: themes, fun sheets, sports, samples, eBooks
 The Secret Gardenby Jennifer Wray Ages: 10 - 12The Secret Garden is about a garden that has been locked up for ten years and is discovered by a young girl named Mary Lennox. Mary has come from India, orphaned, spoiled, sickly and determined that she will not like living with her uncle, Mr. Craven.Subjects: lesson plan, curriculum, book, social studies, geography
1000s of Grades K-6 Printable Worksheets from Worksheet Libraryby Worksheet Library Ages: 5 - 14Worksheet Library was developed and is maintained by veteran elementary teachers who have over 50 years of classroom experience - and climbing every year. Like you, we get up every school day and greet our students...Subjects: student, worksheets, print, resources
Call of the Wildby Jack London Ages: 11 - 16The Call of the Wild tells the story of a dog named Buck. He is stolen from his home in the Santa Clara Valley of California, and taken to the Alaskan gold fields to be a sled dog. This story tells the life of Buck as he is passed from owner to owner.Subjects: unit study, activities, quiz, math, vocabulary, writing
The Tortoise and the Hare - Aesop Fables Preschool Lesson Planby First School Ages: 3 - 6Visit a subject to find activities, crafts, lesson plans, coloring pages tied to the complete version of The Tortoise and the Hare - Aesop Fables and Preschool Online Games including story time and activities.Subjects: Aesop Fables, worksheets, lesson plans, The Tortoise and the Hare
Choose Your Lesson Plans!by HotChalk, Inc. Ages: 4 - 18The Lesson Plans Page contains math lesson plans, math ideas, math lessons, math thematic units, lesson plans for teachers by teachers. Lesson plans can be filtered by grade level and subject.Subjects: lesson plans, home school, arithmetic, counting, geometry, algebra, Butterfly Unit, whole numbers, sequencing, creative lesson plans, gaming, graphs, plots, geometry
Culturally Responsive Science Curriculumby Standards Based Ages: 18+The challenge of preparing students to meet science standards is one currently faced by all educators, not just those trying to create culturally relevant units and certainly not those just in Alaska.Subjects: guidelines, standards-based units, lesson plan, curriculum, science, education, Alaska
 Wizard of Oz Lesson Plan Suggestionsby Eric Gjovaag Ages: 18+These lesson plans are not intended to be complete, but merely to suggest directions a Wizard of Oz-themed lesson can go. For this reason, I have decided not to give any sort of grade range. It is up to the teachers, who know their students...Subjects: lesson plan, teachers, science, health, geography, history, math, language arts
Lesson Plans and Worksheetsby Ed Helper Ages: 4 - 18edHelper is dedicated to providing teachers a single shop for educational resources. (not a free resource)Subjects: monthly themes, unit study, language arts, math, reading
 Wise Pockets Worldby Mary Anne Pettit Ages: 10 - 15A great place for kids, parents, and teachers to learn about managing money. Your attitudes and actions in dealing with spending and family finances are the most powerful lessons your child will learn about money.Subjects: personal finance, saving, activity sheets, visuals, money, spending, allowance
The Little Red Hen Crafts and Lesson Plan Activities for Preschool and Kindergartenby First-School Ages: 2 - 6The Little Red Hen is an English folktale that has been passed on from storyteller to storyteller for many generations before it was written down. Joseph Jacobs is believed to have been first to write and publish the story in the late nineteenth century.Subjects: crafts, worksheets, lesson plans, themes, The Little Red Hen
The Lion and the Mouseby First School Ages: 2 - 8Do you know that Aesop's Fables have been around since 620 B.C.! How many millions of children (us included) have enjoyed hearing them and learning from them for centuries!Subjects: Aesop Fable, preschool, lesson plan, printable
The Canterbury Talesby Geoffrey Chaucer Ages: 15+In The Canterbury Tales, a band of men and women meets at an inn to begin a pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas à Becket. The inn's host suggests that they while away their time on the long journey by telling stories.Subjects: study guide, notes, characters, The Canterbury Tales
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Teacher’s Guideby Ellen Greer Harris Ages: 14 - 19The lesson plans offered integrate an exploration of the novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, central issues with skills-based activities in close reading, critical and creative writing, research, and oral presentation.Subjects: literature, American history, culture, resources, lesson plans
Earth Science Lesson Plansby ProTeacher Web Directory Ages: 7 - 12There are two different ways to create land forms with your sixth graders. To make land forms that involve water, have students create the forms in aluminum pie tins using homemade flour dough. Let them dry, then...Subjects: weather, land forms, prairie, geplogy, space, water
Lesson Plansby Xpeditions Index Ages: 6 - 18The lesson plans on this site were written by educators and have been tested in the classroom. Together, they address all of the U.S. National Geography Standards, the five geography skills, and the main geographic perspectives.Subjects: continents, drought, road trip, Inca, Middle East, Africa, chimps
Paul Bunyan, The Giant Lumberjack Online Lesson Planby First School Ages: 3 - 6Explain to the children they will hear a story of Paul Bunyan, a very famous folkloric American character. This type of story is called a tall tale. A tall tale is a unusual story that has been retold over the years and exaggerated.Subjects: puzzles, coloring pages, crafts, Paul Bunyan, Babe the Blue Ox
Pride and Prejudice Book Notes Summaryby BookRags, Inc. Ages: 13+Here you will find book notes about Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen, including 62 pages of chapter summaries, symbolism, quotes, and more.Subjects: Pride and Prejudice, book notes, chapter summaries, quotes, Jane Austen
The Tale of Peter the Rabbit and Lesson Plan Activities for Preschool and Kindergartenby First School Ages: 3 - 6Visit a subject to find activities, crafts, lesson plans, coloring pages tied to the complete version of The Tale of Peter Rabbit story and Preschool Online Games including story time and activities.Subjects: crafts, worksheets, lesson plans, themes, The Tale of Peter the Rabbit
Snow Globe Family Lesson Planby Jeremy Brunaccioni Ages: 5 - 9Snow Globe Family is a fun addition to a conversation about snow and the weather. Students are fascinated by the small people living inside of the snow globe.Subjects: reading, language arts, science, seasons, weather, project, snow
Teaching Toolsby Discovery Education Ages: 5 - 12Worksheets created by teachers in general social studies categories. These printable worksheets are great for teaching or learning on the go.Subjects: social studies, worksheets, geography, government, history
Great Lesson Sitesby Miss Barbara Ages: 7 - 18Learn about the four main types of volcanoes. Learn the history of plate tectonics. See how the world has changed through the eras.Subjects: Montessori, planets, astronomy, geosphere, orbit, biosphere, volcano, science, rocks
The Puritans Homeschool Curriculum Ages: 5+We are currently developing a home school curriculum consistent with the historic reformed Biblical faith as it is excellently summarized in the original Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity. Books are available in PDF format.Subjects: history, American, church, Puritan, science
Typing Test & FREE Typing Tutorby Learn2Type.com, Inc. Ages: 5+Whether you're a typing expert or just a "hunt & peck" beginner, the interactive exercises in this Typing Tutor automatically adjust to your skill level. The better you get, the more challenging the Typing exercises become.Subjects: free typing, keyboarding lessons, touch, speed, beginner, instruction
Under The Seaby Sherri Allen Ages: 7 - 10 students will develop and reinforce concepts from the number and operation, geometry, measurment, and data management and analysis strands. These concepts will be explored through hands-on experiences with student-created manipulatives...Subjects: sea life, math, lesson, science, literature, language, life, oceans
How to Build Teepeesby Ernest Thompson Seton Ages: 11+Many famous campers have said that the Indian teepee is the best known movable home. It is roomy, self-ventilating, cannot blow down, and is the only tent that admits of a fire inside.Subjects: teepee, plans, 10 feet, Indian, building, poles, tree
Lesson Plans, Tutorials & Education Resourcesby Microsoft Ages: 18+Find new ways to enhance student learning through technology. Find lesson plans and how-to articles for your relevant subjects, grade levels, and products.Subjects: technology, education, teacher, curriculum, PC, Windows
Infectious Diseaseby PBS Ages: 12 - 16White settlers were responsible for introducing several diseases, including cholera, to the Native American population. This lesson focuses on the spread of infectious diseases and compares cholera to Ebola and other infectious diseases.Subjects: lesson plan, disease, cholera, Native American, symptoms, transmission, The West
The Secret Garden - A Mini Unitby Easy Fun School Ages: 9+The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a timeless classic. The Secret Garden conveys a message of hope--a message based on the powerful role of friendship in bringing about a change for the better.Subjects: preschool activities, literature, homeschooling, kids craft projects, reading
 Clock Face Rummyby Kelly Robinson Ages: 5 - 10Clockface Rummy will help students have fun while learning to recognize time in three standard formats: the clock face, the digital display, and the text-based or written method of portraying the time. In addition, early readers will learn to recognize...Subjects: telling time, digital clock, reading, analog, game
 Civics Lesson Plansby teAchnology Ages: 12 - 18TeAch-nology offers a wide variety of free resources intended to bring educators into the world of teaching with technology. It provides links to valuable information relative to current and best practices in the field of education. Free ResourcesSubjects: civics, freedom, government, lessons, rights, interactive, media, community
Elementary Lesson Plansby Asia Society Ages: 6 - 12Students learn about Golden Rule of Reciprocity by comparing quotes from the major world religions. An introduction to well-known folk tales, with renditions from India, the United States, and West Africa. Learn about a double drum that's found in...Subjects: resouces, reciprocity, social studies, multi-cultural, world view, perceptions, social engineering, art, biodiversity, ecology
Art Education Linksby Japan Art Education Association Ages: 5 - 19Welcome to the Japan Art Education Association page. This is a meta-site for teachers, librarians, parents and students to preview selected links that include curriculum ideas, art and craft lessons, computer graphics, and integrated curriculum units.Subjects: art, lesson plans, ideas, arts and crafts, graphics
StarChild Scienceby Judy Wilken Ages: 8 - 14StarChild Science provides an opportunity to parents and teachers to become educated about nature's ways and begin to intelligently choose which government policies are consistent with scientific evidence on health and environmental issues.Subjects: free, science, lessons, nature, scientific, energy
Fly Me to the Moonby Laurie Fowler Ages: 8 - 16You are traveling to a new place, you will want to know some basic lunar information. This virtual field trip will help you accomplish your mission. On this trip, you will visit several moon sites and collect information to complete your Moon Mission.Subjects: lunar, moon, mission, identify, landmarks, quiz
Native Americans Resources for Kids & Teachers Ages: 5+Native Americans resources to introduce children to the culture of a variety of Native American tribes through literature.Subjects: Native Americans, teepees, literature, chiefs, history
Headsprout - Sample Lessons Ages: 3+Headsprout offers interactive reading lessons that help children learn how to read online by teaching phonics program and providing reading tutoring, lessons, and activities.Subjects: homeschooling, phonics, preschool activity, preschool reading, vocabulary builder
Nutrition & the Food Pyramidby Pocantico Hills Central School District Ages: 6+Mrs. Rollman's first and second graders want to teach you a little bit about the foods that are good for you. Use the food pyramid to learn about any of the food groups!Subjects: activity, nutrition, interactive, diet, resource, primary
Cyrano de Bergerac Study Questions & Essay Topicsby SparkNotes LLC Ages: 14+Suggested essay topics and study questions for Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac. Perfect for students who have to write Cyrano de Bergerac essays.Subjects: essay topics, study questions, historical, play, literature
Sense and Sensibility Book Notes Summaryby BookRags, Inc. Ages: 13+Here you will find book notes about Sense and Sensibility written by Jane Austen, including 76 pages of chapter summaries, symbolism, quotes, and more.Subjects: Sense and Sensibility, book notes, chapter summaries, quotes, Jane Austen
BCK2SKOL Lessonsby Ellen Chamberlain Ages: 15+A free electronic library classroom created by Ellen Chamberlain, Head Librarian, University of South Carolina Beaufort, and Miriam Mitchell, Sr. Systems Analyst, USC Columbia. The electronic library classroom 101.Subjects: lessons, library, classroom, security, netiquette
Learning Center Tutorialsby CoolGrandma.com Ages: 6+This is a list of tutorials and lesson plans on several different subjects, including how to balance your check book, how to avoid junk mail, and much more.Subjects: subjects, tutorials, sports, business, health, weather
The Elements of Art Through Photographyby Patricia L. Kuntz Ages: 9 - 11Students defined each of the elements of art in general and then set out to find and discuss these elements in their surroundings. A professional photographer introduced them to the use of these elements in photography.Subjects: cameras, shapes, lines, color, pattern, composition, film
What Is Abstinence?by Advocates for Youth Ages: 14+Advocates for Youth is dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health.Subjects: adolescent health, sexual, reproductive, abstinence-only
Lesson Plans - Animals of the Nomadsby National Geographic Society Ages: 11 - 14Students will learn about nomadic pastoralism by examining the roles of animals and the relationship between available natural resources and nomadic life in Central Asian societies.Subjects: geography, world history, social studies, nomadic, survival
Telling Time without a Clock: The Scandinavian Daymarksby Carl Anderson Ages: 10+How would we measure time without a clock? We know that the Sun moves across the sky during the day. Can we tell what time it is by looking at the position of the Sun?Subjects: hours, day, night, sun, moon, time
Activities to Celebrate Native American Heritage!by Education World Ages: 5+November is National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, here are lessons to help students learn about Native American history and cultures. Lessons include students in dramatizing folktales, preparing traditional foods, and much more!Subjects: American heritage, native, lesson plans, word search, history
 Things That Flyby Jacquylynn Brickman Ages: 10 - 12I want to broaden students’ ideas of what constitutes a thing that flies. This lesson prepares students to look at the history of flight. Strengthening their schema around the variety of things that fly will allow for a richer inquiry experience.Subjects: research skills, charts, graphs, science, force, motion, technology, flight
Tess of the d'Urbervillesby Class Zone Ages: 15 - 18Sixteen-year-old Tess Durbeyfield is the oldest child of a poor family living in the village of Marlott, England. One day her father learns he has noble ancestry, and Tess's life changes dramatically. She journeys to Trantridge to seek financial support..Subjects: Language Arts Novel Guide
The American Presidency – Teacher Materialsby National Museum of American History Ages: 9+Help your students examine the job of a president, including words and images from the Presidential Inaugurations.Subjects: president, role, White house, activities, lesson plans
Uncle Tom’s Cabin Book Notes Summaryby BookRags, Inc. Ages: 13+Here you will find book notes about Uncle Tom's Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, including 97 pages of chapter summaries, symbolism, quotes, and more.Subjects: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, book notes, chapter summaries, quotes, Harriet Beecher Stowe
Creating a Class Web Siteby Kerry Marquis Ages: 12+This is the home page of a site intended to help teachers create class web sites, including checksheets, outlines, syllabus, and planning sheets.Subjects: web site, composer, internet, class project, teacher guide
Create Your Own Native American Board Gameby Discovery Education Ages: 5 - 12To illustrate a Native American game, explain the concepts of the monopoly game to your class. Next, challenge your students to create a board game that reflects what their cultural beliefs, priorities, and aspects of life are.Subjects: teacher resources, lesson plans, Native American, The Discovery Channel
A. Pintura Art Detectiveby A. Pintura Ages: 10 - 15A. Pintura was one of our first art history adventures. We've developed many more since then, including...Subjects: art, painting, instruction, fun, kids