Budget Homeschool Links
Geography Links
Welcome to the Geography section of Budget Homeschool! If Geography is your favorite subject,
you are in luck. If not, you just might find that you will enjoy Geography just a tad
more, after exploring the links we've provided for you here.
| |  Geography Map Gamesby Maps Ages: 6 - 18Map Your Routes - Maps in the News - Reference Atlas - Map Games - Map Geo Tournament - Have fun with the whole family or the classroom learning different map games.Subjects: links, games, geography, maps, puzzles, capitols, crosswords, quiz
Geography Resourcesby Cyber Sleuth Kids Ages: 6 - 18Engage on a trail along a river and find out more about the physical processes of rivers and also rivers of the world. Stimulate a greater interest in people, environment, natural resources, history and culture, social equity and environmental justice...Subjects: links, rivers, resources, maps, Africa, Europe, history
Welcome to Hokanson's World Geography!by Hokanson's Social Studies Ages: 10+Geography is the study of the earth in all of its variety. When you study geography, you learn about the earth's land, water, and plant and animal life. You look at places people have created and try to understand how and why they are different.Subjects: Earth, human, environment, activities, weather, location
Geography For Kidsby Kathi Mitchell Ages: 5+Geography resources for kids and teachers. This page includes online games and a lot of geography resources for students and teachers.Subjects: games, scavenger hunts, mountains, islands, glaciers
 Geography Quizzesby Jet Punk Ages: 8+Take a geography quiz! Great for learning the countries and states. These quizzes create a fun and interactive way to learn world geography.Subjects: countries, flags, Europe, Africa, maps, shapes, cities, capitals
Xpeditionsby National Geographic Society Ages: 5 - 19Xpeditions is home to the U.S. National Geography Standards -- and to thousands of ideas, tools, and interactive adventures that bring them to life. Probe the depths of the ocean to help students explore marine life and understand our impact on the oceans. Subjects: atlas, activities, oceans, lesson plans, maps, environments
 Country Informationby Country Reports Ages: 8+Cultural, historical and statistical country information about every country in the world. Our statistical data and cultural information has proven to be valuable to students, parents, teachers, and researchers alike.Subjects: links, learning games, facts, geography, resources
Geography Gamesby Sheppard Software Ages: 8+By playing Sheppard Software's geography games, you will gain a mental map of the world's continents, countries, capitals, & landscapes!Subjects: free, games, tutorials, interactive, learning, expert, beginner
World Geography Tutorby AHA! Software Inc. Ages: 6+Learn the nations of the world, plus the USA states and capitals and more. Proven, quick-learning interface. Master the maps and forge a clear mental picture of the political boundaries that shape our world.Subjects: atlas, globe, USA, state capitals, world, countries
Fifty States Mix and Match Gameby Barbara J. Feldman Ages: 6+Click on any region to play the Capital and State mix and match games.Subjects: explore, states, mix and match, games, capitals
 Learning the Compass! Ages: 7 - 10Geography involves the study of concepts of space. Direction is one of the most important of these concepts. Click the yellow arrow to begin...Subjects: lesson, geography, compass, direction, due north
Geography 4 Kidsby Rader Ages: 8+This site has an introduction to the earth sciences that includes topics on the Earth's structure, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere...Subjects: earth science, structure, atmosphere, hydorsphere, biosphere, resources
CIA Kidsby Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Ages: 6 - 18The CIA is an independent U.S. government agency that provides national security "intelligence" to key U.S. leaders so they can make important, informed decisions.Subjects: games, puzzles, word find, challenge, interactive, government, break the code, CIA facts
Explore the Statesby Library of Congress Ages: 6+Read facts and trivia on all 50 states, with a clickable map.Subjects: explore, treasure hunt, Girl Scouts, states, U. S., history
Web Geography for Kids!by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ages: 6+This web site was built for parents and instructors to help their kids learn geography. Teaches concepts such as locating positions on the surface of the World.Subjects: games, history, NASA, USGS, landforms, atlas, rivers, geography, quiz, world quiz, Europe, U.S.A, science
Where is that?by Pearson Education Ages: 5+Improve your geography skills with FunBrain. Where is that teaches states and countries with their capitals. For kids and children of all ages and grades.Subjects: states, countries, capitals, North America, Africa, games
Geography of the Worldby Kids Online Resources & Kid Science Link Ages: 8+An online world atlas packed with geographic, economic, and much more about the United States and the world around us.Subjects: research, Europe, land forms, 3-D, latitude, longitude
 World Biomesby Blue Planet Biomes Ages: 9 - 14A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region. Subjects: tundra, taiga, forest, savanna, rainforest
Geo-Globe Interactive Geography!by ThinkQuest Ages: 6+Explore the world with Geo - Globe's interactive games, and find out about strange and familiar features of the planet! Ever wondered which continent has the most countries? Do you know how deep the ocean gets? How plants survive in the tundra?Subjects: Earth, oceans, seas, ancient cities, mammals, birds, reptiles
Test Your Geography Knowledgeby Lyndsey McCollam Ages: 5+Clickable Map Quizzes - just click on the map to answer the questions. Great geography practice for students in elementary school, middle school, high school, colleges and universities.Subjects: Europe, capitals, states, provinces, cities, U.S., map
Funschool Geography Gameby Brenda J. Feldman Ages: 6 - 13Nestled among dozens of educational games for upper elementary students are five geography games. On this page, you'll find Capital Field Trip, Capitals, Flag Flags, Where in the World Is? and U.S. State Detective.Subjects: games, elementary, capitals, countries, flags
Facts of the Worldby Karen McVicar Ages: 5+It became regular occurrence for us to search for information for geography projects at school. Sometimes it took ages to find the morsels of information we needed to answer specific questions. On this page we have collated general facts about the world.Subjects: countries, landmarks, mountains, rivers, projects
U.S.A. Gamesby Sheppard Software Ages: 5+U.S. geography games galore; over 38 fun online map games teach capitals, state locations, and more. There is also information on the United States culture, history, and much more.Subjects: capitals, states, landscapes, jigsaw games, maps
 MapStats for Kidsby Fedstats Ages: 9 - 16We are Stixie and Globie. We teach you concepts about maps and statistics through cool games. Do you think you can you answer these questions? If not, the games will help you. Let the fun begin!Subjects: games, maps, geography, education, graphs, data, statistics, globes latitude, longitude, scale, spatial organization, map reading, conceptsLocation: Nationwide
GeoBee Challengeby National Geographic Society Ages: 8+Test your geography smarts right here online. Each day we'll post ten questions from the National Geographic Bee. Some of them are real stumpers, but it's okay if you miss a few -- you can play as often as you like. Come back every day for a brand new quiz!Subjects: challenge, questions, knowledge, geography bee, National Geographic
Puzzled States!by Scholastic Ages: 8 - 18Can't tell Arizona from Wyoming? Then, this is the game for you! Sharpen your geography skills by clicking and dragging each state to its proper place on the map, and gather fun facts as you go. Learn all 50 and you'll be dazzling friends and family in no time!Subjects: interactive, geography, states, puzzle, fun, non-competitive, identification, U.S. States
Geography Quizby Planet Interactive, Inc. Ages: 8+Test your knowledge of state abbreviations, state capitals, and state locations. Access many more activities like this one by ...Subjects: games, states, capitals, locations, abbreviations, interactive
National Geographic Kidsby National Geographic Society Ages: 5+Features different people, animals, and places each month with facts, games, activities, and related links.Subjects: games, animals, video, places, stories, activities
The Listby World Atlas Ages: 6+What is the longest river in the world? Smallest country? Biggest cities? Check out our list of highest mountains or deepest spots in the ocean...Subjects: World, facts, cities, mountains, deepest, ocean
State Capitalsby VectorKids Ages: 5 - 14Select a state and then the capital. Match them up. All answer choices are state capitals to reinforce the name.Subjects: states, capitals, flash cards, skills, maps, interactive
 Place The Stateby Sheppard Software Ages: 8+Learn the locations, capitals, abbreviations and over 500 important facts about our 50 states. This interactive game is fun to play for both students and their parents.Subjects: lessons, states, capitals, locations, facts, interactive
State Websitesby Federal Citizen Information Center Ages: 5 - 11Learn facts about each state and territory including transportation, history, states symbols, government and much more.Subjects: games, waterways, parks, capitals, agriculture, wildlife
Facts about the United Statesby The Regents of the University of Michigan Ages: 8+These web pages will help you find out the basic facts of any state in the Union, including Washington, D.C. Need to know the capital of Alabama? Want to know which hockey teams are in California? What is the size of Montana? All that information is here!Subjects: states, capital, Union, facts, size, population
Quick Facts: Learn About Your Stateby Superintendent of Documents Ages: 5 - 18Do you know your state's motto, bird, or when it became a state? Do you know your Congresspeople or how to contact them? Choose a state from the map to find out!Subjects: states , lessons, capitals, government, facts, interactive
The Geography Challengeby Geography Zone Ages: 6+Find almost any place with online atlases, order maps, get information about countries & states, print maps, play geography games.Subjects: maps, games, atlases, countries, mountains, elevation
Geography Quizzesby Ilike2learn Ages: 8+These interactive Quizzes will help you rapidly learn the locations of the countries and capitals of the world.Subjects: maps, earth, atlas, population, land, continent, island
The Greatest Places Onlineby Science Museum of Minnesota Ages: 6+Greatest Places is an online resource offered to teachers and students for understanding cultural and geographical diversity provided by the Science Museum of Minnesota in conjunction with the Greatest Places Imax Film.Subjects: deserts, plains, rainforests, rivers, global information, activities
U.S. Map Puzzleby Owl & Mouse Educational Software Ages: 6+Learn the states of the United States and their capitals with this fun and educational puzzle game. How fast can you put all of the states in the right places?Subjects: United States, map, puzzle, countries, capitals
Virtual Geography - Google Earthby Annette M. Hall Ages: 6+Google Earth is a new application, which combines local search capabilities with satellite images and maps from around the globe.Subjects: virtual, Google Earth, map navigation, location, interactive
Islands of the worldby World Atlas Ages: 6+Maps for all the islands of the world. Island and Ocean maps, geography facts, and flags of the world's most exotic places.Subjects: continents, islands, oceans, territories, flags
National Geographicby National Geographic Society Ages: 7+The online home of National Geographic Magazine. Resource for photography, research, updates, news, global issues, geography, maps and multimedia.Subjects: puzzles, wallpaper, archives, photography, landscapes, animals
Social Studies Gamesby Apples4theTeacher Ages: 10+Free educational interactive elementary social studies games online, including Irish symbols interactive game, Mount Rushmore Presidential Puzzle, and learn famous quotes from the presidents and first lady names, and much more.Subjects: activities, games, Irish symbols, presidential trivia, Mount Rushmore
Changing Boundaries in Pre-Colonial Asia to the Presentby National Geographic Society Ages: 14 - 19This lesson will provide students with an opportunity to learn about the importance and fluidity of certain types of boundaries from pre-colonial Asia to the present.Subjects: Asia, geology, boundaries, satellite photos, culture, history
 Earthquakes for Kidsby United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Ages: 8 - 18The earliest reference we have to unusual animal behavior prior to a significant earthquake is from Greece in 373 BC. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before a destructive earthquake.Subjects: science, projects, games, history, geologist, pictures, Earthquake ABC
Virtual Tour Antarcticaby CARA Education and Outreach Ages: 8+Regardless of where you live or which country you work for, to get to the South Pole, you almost certainly go through New Zealand and then land at McMurdo on the coast of Antarctica on your way to the center of the continent and the bottom of the Earth.Subjects: Antarctica, South Pole Station, astronomy, research, territory
All About Glaciersby National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Ages: 13+Like great rivers of ice, glaciers have sculpted mountains and carved out valleys. They continue to flow and shape the landscape in many places today.Subjects: science, facts, gallery, glossary, students
U.S. State Capitalsby Quia Corporation Ages: 6+Learn the capitals of the U.S. states.Subjects: java games, vocabulary, memory, spelling, lesson plans
BlackDog's United States Flashcardsby BlackDog Ages: 6+Have fun learning the capitols of all 50 states of the United States with BlackDog's flashcards. A Java-enabled web browser is required to play.Subjects: flashcard, U.S. State Capitols, Java
Welcome to TEACH Great Lakes!by Great Lakes Information Network Ages: 5+TEACH Great Lakes is the Great Lakes Information Network's (GLIN) enhanced education section, offering a variety of topics and educational information about the Great Lakes region for both teachers and students.Subjects: Great Lakes, Michigan, curriculum, Ohio, environmental, Lake Superior
Wetlands for Kidsby Kathi Mitchell Ages: 4+Links to resources to help teachers, parents, and students learn about wetlands. Resources include games, coloring information, scavenger hunts, and virtual tours.Subjects: wetlands, botanical, gardens, water quality, wildlife
Earth and Moon Viewerby John Walker Ages: 8+You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude and longitude, from a satellite ...Subjects: earth, viewer, moon, weather, satellite, image
African Wildlife and Nature Imagesby Annette M. Hall Ages: 5+Special thanks to Herb Coleman who recently visited Antarctica and Africa and brought back these beautiful images. It's a pleasure to share them with all our friends.Subjects: African wildlife, Zambia River, Victoria Falls, lion, crocodile
Links to The Oregon Trailby Elizabeth Larson Ages: 10+Learn all about the landmarks and sites along the Oregon Trail. Visit the Oregon Trail with this virtual guide to history, use the timelines, make stops along the way, learn about the people and more...Subjects: links, buffalo, wildlife, Oregon, history, traveling, American West
Antarctica Lesson Plansby Global Classroom Ages: 10 - 14The goal of this module is to help students describe the location, relative size and shape of Antarctica. The module contains five activites. Check out Project Explore...
Earth's Waterby Howard Perlman Ages: 6+As the saying goes ... "water, water, everywhere." Well, how much water is there; where is this water; how does it move around? Use the diagram to find out.Subjects: water cycle, glaciers, icecaps, rivers, drought, floods
Rivers and River Conservationby Jackie Miers Ages: 10+Links to general information about rivers and river conservation, including exercises, quizzes, and worksheets.Subjects: rivers, maps, photos, conservation, Encarta, exploration
H.I.P Pocket Changeby The United States Mint Ages: 6+With coins, we literally carry the past in our pockets. Most of us seldom stop and think about the historical riches at our fingertips. As we discover the hidden stories behind our coins, we can develop a fascination that can last a lifetime.Subjects: games, coins, history, collectors, dimes, pennies
How Far Is It Between Two Pointsby Lyndsey McCollam Ages: 5+Want to know how far it is from Delaware to California? Click on the Delaware and then click on California, you will automatically be given the distance. Try it out for yourself.Subjects: United States, distance, map, interactive, miles, Europe
Schoolyard Geology Ages: 6+Wish you could take more field trips? You can! Your own schoolyard is filled with great geologic features! This website is filled with activities and examples of what to look for to turn your schoolyard into a rich geologic experience.Subjects: sedimentary, rocks, fossils, dinosaur tracks, backyard
Historical Facts of the Oregon Trail and America's Manifest Destinyby O. Ned Eddins Ages: 12+The history of the fur trade and the Oregon and Mormon trails cannot be separated. A great many people paid a huge price to live, or even to survive, in this country. Western migration was not easy for anyone. Oregon Trail pioneers struggled West...Subjects: pioneers, fur traders, Mormon Trail, California, facts
The Oregon Trailby The West Film Project and WETA Ages: 6+Though mountain men had driven wagons along parts of the route since 1830, Marcus and Narcissa Whitman were probably the first emigrants to journey the full length of the Oregon Trail when they set out for the northwest in 1836.Subjects: migration, Oregon, emigrants, wagons, journey
Scenic Antarctica - Home to Penguins and Scientistsby Annette M. Hall Ages: 7+Antarctica is fast becoming a popular tourist destination. Antarctica, once thought to be a barren, frozen, foreboding land, where many an explorer has lost their life in attempts at overcoming the bitter cold and desolation.Subjects: Antarctica, wildlife, tourist, penguins, global warming
Traditional Towns and Modern Suburbsby National Geographic Society Ages: 5 - 8This lesson introduces students to the differences between traditional towns and modern suburbs. Students will visit a virtual community and view aerial photographs to compare and contrast these two types of towns.Subjects: metropolitan areas, towns, cities, suburbs, environments
Establishing Borders: The Expansion of the United States, 1846-48by Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Ages: 10+Begin a class discussion by asking your students how many states were in the Union when the United States declared its independence from Britain in 1776. There were thirteen states. All were on the eastern seaboard.Subjects: states, borders, Mexico, Canada, The Union, history, territories
Desert Environments in the American Southwestby DesertUSA and Digital West Media, Inc. Ages: 8+What is a desert? How many deserts are in North America? Learn about the desert environment and the unique characteristics that define the beautiful arid and semi-arid landscapes of the American Southwest.Subjects: landscapes, ecosystems, wildlife, plants, animals
Real Time Flight Trackingby FlyteComm Corporation Ages: 10+Get updates on flight arrival and delay times, and remaining time en route for departed flights, updated every 5 minutes. Additional flight details include departure time, aircraft type, current altitude, and current groundspeed, along with...Subjects: flight, tracker, map, aviation, airplane
What is the state bird of Georgia?by BlackDog Ages: 6+Do you need to know facts about any of the 50 states of the U.S.A? Find out each state's capitol, date admitted into the union, state flower, state bird and state nickname. Select the state you're interested in from the pulldown menu.Subjects: capitals, states of the union, trivia, state birds, date admitted
Montana Facts And Figuresby Travel Montana Ages: 5+Find out about the most fascinating Montana facts such as the story behind the state's name, how the grizzly bear became the state animal, and the way in which a discovery at Egg Mountain led to the Maiasaur becoming the state fossil.Subjects: activities, plants, history, stories, business, agriculture, animals
Pacific States Capital Challengeby Barbara J. Feldman Ages: 6+Match the Pacific States with their capitals in this geography game....Subjects: games, mix , match, fifty states, Pacific Ocean
Scouting Out Clavey Riverby Annette M. Hall Ages: 7+Have you ever attempted to imagine what it must have been like for the settlers who rode the dusty trail in covered wagons, on horseback and on foot to start a new life in the west? Not many of us could in our wildest dreams imagine the hardship...Subjects: Clavey River, eco system, history, settlers, California
Gold Mines Still Operate Within Sierrasby Annette M. Hall Ages: 12+The fourth annual 'Old Alleghany Day' was held on September 10th, 2005, complete with old west style gun fights and street vendors peddling their wares.Subjects: Old Alleghany, underground, miners, rock, drilling, gold quartz
Heating with Peat - Falkland Islands Tourby Annette M. Hall Ages: 12+Just mention the Falkland Islands and most people draw a blank, having no idea where this isolated country is located. Heating with Peat is a video presentation about the use of peat in the Falkland Islands.Subjects: Falkland Islands, Antarctica, presentation, video, South America coast, 1982